Well, the Parry's have not been well. As a matter of fact, all 3 of us have been sick.
It started last Wed for Liam. He had a little stuffy nose, so I took him home instead of going to youth group that night. I'm glad I did because he was a little cranky which really made me know that he wasn't well. Then Friday night, I had a bit of a sore throat that graduated into extreme chest congestion with an annoying "seal" cough. Sunday night, Lucas ends up feeling REALLY bad. The entire next day, Johny and him became great friends.
Update? Lucas was better within about 12 hours. Liam had a high fever Monday night which broke Tues night. I stayed home from work on Tues and Wed to try to fight my cough. I'm feeling a bit better now, but still on the mend.
Liam is having to take cold and cough medicine for the first time - poor tiger! Even though his fever is over, he is still fighting congestion.
So that is the tale of the Parrys over the last few days - pretty pathetic I know. My word of advice, when you have a young family, don't all get sick at the same time and esp don't all get sick with 3 different things at the same time!!! Can anyone say Lysol?
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