Monday, July 30, 2007


Cousin Jeremy turned 30, Uncle Steve turned 40 and Granddad Hughes turned 80! What could be a better cause to celebrate??

We got up extremely early on Friday morning to head to Chicago for a birthday bash/family reunion arranged by my Aunt Wendy. I just love getting together with my mom's side of the family. There are 14 cousins that have an age band between them of only 10 years. And now, the cousins are having second cousins! Needless to say - it is always fun and full of adventure.

Friday night we celebrated the birthdays with a picnic in the park. The adults ate, talked and played Corn Hole (AKA Bags) in between chasing after their kids.

The kids played in the park, chased each other and blew bubbles. Here's a shot of Liam with his Aunt Tricia and some of the many cousins.

Elvis even even showed up (well, it was really Liam's Uncle Brian in disguise).

Liam even got to have some alone time with BeBop and Great Mama.

On Sat, we all went to Aunt Wendy's for a BBQ, more Corn Hole and heaps more fun. We even broke out the hacky sack! Oh Yeah! And then realized that we didn't have many of the sweet moves and mad skill that we once had. We also realized we were not as limber as we once were. Well, we'll just keep the hacky circle of cousins in our memories of ole and try not to break our bones next time.

It's always good getting together with family, remembering where you came from, chat about where you're going and knowing that no matter what, we all stick together.

Thursday, July 26, 2007

Chi-Town Reunion

On Sunday, we received a call from Lucas' sister saying that her and her husband would be visiting us in TN. We were so excited... When will you be visiting??? Tomorrow! So, Monday night, Michelle and her pregnant belly arrived with Mike on our front door stoop. It was so good having them. We even got to teach them a game that we got them for Christmas - San Juan - good times.

Tomorrow morning bright and early, we head back to Chicago for a family reunion/birthday parties. There were four cousins (including me) that turned 30 this year. My uncle turned 40 and my Granddad turned 80! I think Liam is looking forward to playing with his cousin Hannah and his 2nd cousin twins.

I'll let you know how it goes and post photos on the flip side of the weekend.

In the mean time - if you are having a bad day, visit my friend's blog - it's on the side there named Sunshine Schemozzle. It's titled "This Week @ the Rees Residence"

Thursday, July 19, 2007


Found this on a friend's blog... I think if it were to be true to 2010, the girl would have said TNF (That's not funny) instead of shut up! : )

Sunday, July 15, 2007

The Tale of Spontaneity

Well, we had our spontaneous trip and it went quite well. However, I still haven't quite figured out if spontaneity is a word and how to spell it! : )

We started our journeys out to Murfreesboro for a blue grass festival. It was a great cultural experience! Not only were there fantastic musicians of all ages, there were also tap dancers and cloggers. It was a great stop!

We then went to Don Pablos for dinner. That was very spontaneous! Our waiter got everything wrong the entire time. Very spontaneous waiter!

Next we headed to The Arrington Vineyards. Arrington Vineyards actually opened to the public about 2 weeks ago. they grow their own grapes and bottle on the property. We even tasted a wine that was bottled the previous day.

They let us taste about 10 different wines. I liked the whites better than the reds this time. However, there was a delicious raspberry dessert wine that was very tasty. I would definitely try that one again!

By the time we were done tasting, I had reached my limits. The Krejcis and the Parrys each bought a bottle of white wine. Marc, Lisa and Lucas made a valiant effort at finishing one of them, but didn't quite make it all the way through. We brought our bottle home for another night.

We then headed back to our house to watch a few episodes of Lost. (the Krejcis have finally turned to the dark side and decided to get into them! - suckers! : ) On our way home though, the spontanaity did not cease. We were almost about to turn into our development when Lucas said he was in the mood for pizza. Marc said that he was in the mood for ice cream. So we passed our place and headed for Guisseppis. Lucas got out of the car and ordered us a pizza. We then took the rest of the clan to Food Lion to get some ice cream. Lisa chose snickers and vanilla. Good choices.

We went back to the house, watched Lost, ate pizza and ice cream and I fell asleep during the second episode. Everyone else was placing dibs that I would fall asleep in the first - so I made it though! : )

And that was the end to a spontaneous day! Hope you enjoyed and are inspired to be spontaneous as well!

Thursday, July 12, 2007


Tonight my dear friend called who just got a mini van (sucked into the new parenting trap). So, they want to take 'er for a ride. We decided it was time for a road trip. Where will we go??? We have no idea. But I can guarantee it will be fun! Horray for spontaneous! : )

Monday, July 09, 2007

I took this test and it is pretty dead on. Enjoy learning more about yourself! : )

Monday, July 02, 2007

Bibles Unbound

I stumbled across this great organization...

Join with today's persecuted church in one of the most unique Bible distribution programs of our generation.

What if you could help persecuted Christians reach out to their own communities?

What if you could deliver Bibles to restricted nations right from your own home?

What if you could help win to Christ those opposed to the gospel?

Now you can do all of the above with The Voice of the Martyrs' Bibles Unbound program!

Today, persecuted Christians around the world are quietly gathering names and addresses. These addresses are from their local communities, businesses, factories, universities and even government offices. Names and addresses are being gathered from China to Colombia and from Cuba to the Middle East and submitted to The Voice of the Martyrs for what could become one of the most significant ministry outreaches of our time.

By becoming a member of Bibles Unbound, you will be able to mail New Testaments from your own home directly to communities where your persecuted brothers and sisters are now courageously witnessing.

Simply sign up at, and commit to participate in one or more ministry operations. Each month you will receive five or more New Testaments in the appropriate language along with corresponding address labels, a description of the operation(s), packaging and the necessary postage to mail each Bible into the assigned restricted nation.

You are then able to follow your Bible mailings online where you will be able to access an archive of all the individuals to whom you have mailed a New Testament, along with updated information and testimonies that are direct results of the mailings. An online map displays the nations to which you have sent Bibles, becoming a permanent reminder of your partnership in serving alongside today's persecuted church.

For each donation of only $30.00 per month you will receive a package of five Bible mailings and everything you need to participate in the program. You can select your own operation or have The Voice of the Martyrs select one for you.

"Remember those in bonds as bound with them." -Hebrews 13:3

Christians in today's hostile countries are frequently beaten or arrested for sharing their faith in Jesus Christ. However, they will not back down. They are ready to share their faith with curious neighbors, co-workers and even those opposed to the gospel. Until recently, all that most Christians in the free world could do was pray for their safety and courageous efforts. Now through Bibles Unbound, we can put actions to our prayers by partnering with them in the direct distribution of New Testaments.

"It is often difficult and dangerous to speak openly about my faith. That's why the Bibles Unbound program is so important to me. I know everyone in my village enjoys getting mail and loves to read, so when they get a New Testament in the mail, they are intrigued, and many will begin to read it. Then when I, or others from our church, speak to them about Christ, they will have questions because of the New Testament that was already sent to them. Thank you for this incredible program that helps us further the gospel of Jesus Christ."
-Wu Xiong, a former prisoner for Christ and a leader of a Chinese house church

Would you like to be a part of this exciting program and assist your persecuted brothers and sisters as they boldly share their faith?

Join Bibles Unbound today!

Sunday, July 01, 2007

The Call

On 07.07.07 Christians from across America will gather in
Nashville for a massive solemn assembly to fast and pray...

For more information, check out