Monday, February 11, 2008

Everyone's Sick

Last night, our whole family woke up violently ill. Let's just say, we had to get some buckets because it was coming out both ends. Thankfully Liam is still in diapers! YUCK! It was a 24 hour type bug - but I plead with you to stay away from anyone that might have this - it is not something you want to get. It felt like food poisening.

Above is a photo of Liam and daddy cuddling just before the sick storm hit.

Monday, February 04, 2008

The Wind of God

Recently, I was listening to a worship song that was talking about the wind of God. It leaned more towards the breezy type of wind from God - the gentle, refreshing wind. The kind of wind that is welcomed and soothing.

A few days ago, there were winds here in our town that were extreme. I believe the news said that the winds were up to 60 miles per hour.

We have a tree line behind our house. There are some dead bits that are still standing. One lady 2 doors down from us had been meaning to have the owners of the tree line come out to remove a dead tree. However, meaning to was not good enough for the winds. They took the tree right down and in the mean time, did some small damage to the house. The winds were gracious not to blow the tree right on top of her house to create even more damage.

I think this is often the type of wind of God that we don't want to think about or talk about. The kind of wind that has force and can be scary. The kind of wind that sweeps through our lives and says, this dead bit needs to be blown over - taken down. It doesn't belong here any more. It's not a peaceful wind, but there is peace in the wind. The peace that reminds us that God has it under control and He's not intending on doing damage to the good things that He's placed in our lives, but the things that we are holding onto that we need to let die - the things we've been meaning to get to in our lives that we haven't yet. This wind comes in force sometimes in our lives and takes down the old and the dead.

But after the winds, there is even another peace that says Thank You Lord for your grace and mercy and your willingness not to leave me as I am.

Let the winds blow...