Monday, July 30, 2007


Cousin Jeremy turned 30, Uncle Steve turned 40 and Granddad Hughes turned 80! What could be a better cause to celebrate??

We got up extremely early on Friday morning to head to Chicago for a birthday bash/family reunion arranged by my Aunt Wendy. I just love getting together with my mom's side of the family. There are 14 cousins that have an age band between them of only 10 years. And now, the cousins are having second cousins! Needless to say - it is always fun and full of adventure.

Friday night we celebrated the birthdays with a picnic in the park. The adults ate, talked and played Corn Hole (AKA Bags) in between chasing after their kids.

The kids played in the park, chased each other and blew bubbles. Here's a shot of Liam with his Aunt Tricia and some of the many cousins.

Elvis even even showed up (well, it was really Liam's Uncle Brian in disguise).

Liam even got to have some alone time with BeBop and Great Mama.

On Sat, we all went to Aunt Wendy's for a BBQ, more Corn Hole and heaps more fun. We even broke out the hacky sack! Oh Yeah! And then realized that we didn't have many of the sweet moves and mad skill that we once had. We also realized we were not as limber as we once were. Well, we'll just keep the hacky circle of cousins in our memories of ole and try not to break our bones next time.

It's always good getting together with family, remembering where you came from, chat about where you're going and knowing that no matter what, we all stick together.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Looks and sounds like you had a great time with your family Jo. I Loved.... the photo of Liam driving the car. He looks soooooo grown up!!! I think you need to get your hubby to send me more photos!!!!
Love Mum P