To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under heaven...
Ecclesiastes 3:1
While I was pregnant, God kept bringing this verse to mind. There were so many seasons to go through...
Lucas in Australia during my first trimester, surviving 2 hail storms, being in a cyclone, rejoicing with my sister as she had the first grandchild on my side of the family, going through pregnancy with some dear friends and learning about our changing bodies together, Lucas getting mono, me going on partial bedrest, finding out I needed a c-section, welcoming my son into the world...
The joys, the pains, the sorrows, the fears.
Seasons don't last long. Whether its a good season or a difficult season, every moment should be cherished. (It does help to know that the hard seasons will come to an end eventually though!)
In every thing there is a season. Join us as we travel through the seasons of our lives.